
Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Q: Is aide ide support kotlin?
A: No, so far aide ide not support kotlin programming language. I hope in the future.

Q: Is aide ide have facebook group?
A: Yes, Aide ide have facebook group but this not a official facebook group. but this group have a lot a Pro programmer and still active, note beware posting any promotion links or else you will kick from the group, you can reach this group here Aide - Android IDE users Im also member of that group.

Q: Can i build android games using aide ide?
A: Yes, you can create android games using Aide ide.

Q: Can i publish my created apps to Playstore?
A: Yes,  you can publish your created apps from playstore, but your need to purchase registration fee $25, you can create developer account here Developer console, Visit this link Publish aide ide project to Google playstore for the tutorial oh how to publish.

Q: Can you publish my apps on playstore?
A: No, its better to create your own developer account.

Q: Is aide ide support in-app purchase[billing]?
A: Yes, in my own experience in app purchasing is 100% working, Im using Anjlab. you can visit here for the tutorial.

Q: There are other apps except the aide idea that can make apps?
A: Yes, you can use sketchware to build android apps or games, but this app use block programming.

Q: What version of aide ide are you using now?
A: Im using aide ide version 3.2.2  thats why im using "compile" than "implement" on build.gradle, but if you want advance coding i recommend use the latest version of aide ide.

Q: Where i can download the aide ide app?
A: This app is available on playstore you can download here

Q: Is aide ide support firebase?
A: Yes, for the latest version of aide ide firebase is supported. But you need to use the latest version of aide ide.

Q: Why you stay at the old version of aide ide?
 A:  For now im using old version because the latest version have a bugs on androidX, but soon i will upgrade to latest version.

If you have a question, please use the comment form below.


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